Author Archives: Sebastian Hellmann

Program and Proceedings

The program for the ISWC workshop “NLP & DBpedia” on October 22nd, 2013 in Sydney, Australia is now available at We are very happy to announce that the day will be started by a keynote held by Raphael Troncy … Continue reading

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Two NIF workshops in Leipzig (24.9.) and Prague (9.10.): Call for participation

With the almost finished standardization of the ITS 2.0, we are also close to provide a complete NIF 2.0 specification. WS 1 is a more general tutorial held in conjunction with the LSWT and WS 2 is a more specialized  … Continue reading

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New landing page and GitHub repos

We finally started moving. The new overview page is here: and the GitHub repo is here:

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NIF Roadmap 2012 and pointers

Just a repost of an email I wrote to the Stanbol Dev mailing list. See here for the discussion. Below is a copy of the email: Last year, we have been working on the NLP Interchange Format (NIF). NIF is … Continue reading

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Tutorial: How to call a NIF web service with your favorite SemWeb library

The parameters for NIF 1.0 can be found in the Parameter Section of the spec. Below are example code snippets for several client side implementations. The result is always a combined RDF model of two NIF services. curl Jena ARC2 … Continue reading

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Tutorial Challenge: Semantic Search

According to the Get Involved page each blog post has to start with a short introduction: My name is Sebastian and I wrote his challenge to give you a rough template for writing your own challenge. Besides I think, that … Continue reading

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Tutorial Challenge: Multilingual Part-Of-Speech Tagger

The goal of this challenge is straight-forward: An HTML page has one text area, where you can post a text. The language of the text should be detected and then the following should be highlighted: Verbs should be highlighted in … Continue reading

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Stanford CoreNLP

According to the Get Involved page each blog post has to start with a short introduction: I created this implementation to provide a reference implementation for NIF 1.0. StanfordCore is an NLP tool, that combines lemmatizing, POS-tags, dependency parsers and … Continue reading

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According to the Get Involved page each blog post has to start with a short introduction: I created this implementation to provide a reference implementation for NIF 1.0. The SnowBall libraries provide basic implementations for stemming algorithms for a lot … Continue reading

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FOX participated in the initial field test before NIF 1.0 and has not yet been updated. It is best to try the online demo of FOX at Currently, FOX only allows POST so the API can not be called … Continue reading

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